Secure Your Organization with Calligo’s Security Expertise

At Calligo, we understand the paramount importance of securing your organizational data, systems and services. Our security consulting services are designed to empower organizations across various industries to navigate today’s complex and evolving security landscape. With our bespoke, strategic approaches, we provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your business.

How it works

Tailored Solutions

We don’t just identify risks; we tailor our recommendations to align perfectly with your business objectives and security requirements.

Expert Team

Our team consists of seasoned professionals qualified to tackle the diverse and complex challenges your organization faces.

Proactive Maintenance and Continuous Improvement

At Calligo, our focus on quality and exceptional service delivery ensures that you receive the best possible support and outcomes.

What are the benefits of Calligo’s Security services?

Security Risk Assessments
Comprehensive evaluations including third-party risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
Security Policy Review & Development
Crafting and refining policies and procedures to bolster your security posture.
Security Planning & Advice
Expert guidance on areas including Incident Response, Disaster Recovery (DR), and Business Continuity Planning.
Microsoft 365 Security Assessments
Ensure your M365 deployments are secure and resilient against threats.
Cyber Essentials Readiness Assessment
Preparation and assessment services to help achieve Cyber Essentials certification.
Information Security Gap Assessments
Maturity assessments against standards including ISO 27001 and NIST CSF v2, identifying gaps and recommending actionable improvements.
Threat & Vulnerability Assessments
Proactive identification and analysis of potential security threats to your infrastructure.

Is your organization secure from the threat of malicious cyber attacks?

Take our Cybersecurity Risk Assessment to receive a personalized risk report. Using the NIST 2.0 Cybersecurity Framework, this complimentary 19 page report identifies gaps in organizational cybersecurity, enabling businesses to identify areas of risk, improve security and ultimately protect the business from threats.

Talk to a Calligo specialist today